a study: birth

there are so many green places
and juicy peaches
and moments of bravery
and sunlit decks
and laughing through the tears
and psalms of pain
and seconds of hope
and times where you are loved so well that the light seeps through all of your cracks and makes the sky shine
yet to see.

it is silly, my love, to be so sad.
when your God
is so good.

and there are so many blue eyes
and strong hands
and little boys
and cold waters
and aspen leaves
and moments of complete happiness
and cinnamon rolls
and sailing ships
and stars
yet to see.

it is silly, my love, to be so sad.
lift up your eyes.
learn to love again
and do not dwell on death
any longer.



  1. Lovely photos and poem, Adelaide dear. <3 <3

    lavender & blue
    the inkpot girl

  2. omw omw lovely lovely lovely <3<3

  3. "it is silly, my love, to be so sad.
    when your God
    is so good."

    Oh wow...Can I just swallow this poetry whole and hope and pray that the truth of it shines out through my eyes and lights the path ahead?

  4. my knees just buckled (METAPHORICALLY SPEAKING CAUSE IM LAYING DOWN ON MY BED) but like that's how hard this hit me!!!!!!!!! bless you and your words for lifting my eyes to Jesus, like what more could you possibly do xxx

    1. *writes this down and keeps it in the little drawer in my heart that makes everything warm* x

  5. oh my goodness... where has your blog been all my life... it IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUl THING. And your words...loove <33

  6. lists of good things are the best. i love how you did one called decay first, and then birth. God is upside-down like that and i love it.
    "it is silly, my love, to be so sad.
    lift up your eyes.
    learn to love again"
    yes. just yes.

    1. so true though. there is so much of that in life...the death and then the life. that change is full of hope. x

  7. Ohhh my. What a much-needed breath of fresh air. I'll definitely be bookmarking this one to read again and again!


  8. it really is silly to be sad when God is so good--and when little kids exist! (seriously they're so smart, insightful, and cute--plus they teach me a lot about myself and the world.

    your poetry is always just WOW. have you ever considered publishing your poetry in a book? because I'd consider buying it :D

    O | Life as a Young Lady

    1. SO TRUE. kids are amazing and brilliant and brave.

      and dude, i'm considering it more as the days go by. we'll see. *thumbs up* x


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